Welcome home.

Casa de Main is a home on a not-so-main street in Portland, Oregon.

Main Street Portland Rental



Pay Rent

Due on the 1st of each month, for the following month.

Allowance provided until the 5th of the month at 5:00pm PDT.

Leave a check in the vestibule or use Venmo:



Here’s references on how to sort trash.
Bins are put out by 6:00am on Wednesdays.
Compost, glass and recycling are weekly: landfill is every-other-week which started on Jul 13.

That cat is “Hank”. He lives at the apartments across the street, and his real name is Tobiko. We love hanging with him and we grow catnip in the garden beds for his enjoyment.


See your lease docs here.


Pardon the dust. This house needs a lot of work. so you’ll see us sanding, hammering and hauling stuff for a while.

There will be some bigger changes down the road, including a new roof, basement repairs, and upgrades to the upstairs unit. When we’re ready to make those moves, we’re give you plenty of notice.


  • Obey all laws: both state and federal laws

  • Don’t smoke inside

  • Don’t drill, paint or amend any part of the house without talking to us first. This includes cable or internet installations.

  • Text us if you see anything weird like breakage, damage, bugs, water activity, or anything new that didn't exist during the previous owners' time with this old place

  • Park legally while maximizing space for as many cars as possible (Natalia has figured out a formula to maximize car fitting, if you ever want to hear it!)

  • We require a 30-day notice if you are going to move out, at which time we will review the move-out checklist. You can request a copy of this ahead of time, just let us know.

  • Remember we’re below you ;) and if we’re too loud, feel free to remind us that you’re up there!

Immediate notices

  • Renters insurance of at least $100,000 is required. Provide by November 1.

  • Look and feel: we'll be working on making the place look better, and while it is a slow process, we'd like you to please remove the elements in the front window that are not structural: shirts, boxes, misc materials, etc.

  • No exterior AC units are permitted.Interior floor AC and proper exhaust equipment are permitted.

  • We've increased the size of the landfill bin by 50%. All residents are required to separate any foodstuff from landfill items, and continue to separate all recycling. If you need an in-house compost bin, it can be ordered from the refuse company. They may even be free!

  • Front door and 2322 pocket-door handling. The front door is 120 years old, and is very heavy. Unfortunately, when you let it close on its own power, it rattles our unit in a deceptively powerful way. We'd appreciate it if you make an effort not to slam the front, and instruct guests to gently close the door behind them, in place of allowing it to close on its own weight.

  • Want to make note of the disclosures included with the new lease. This includes addendums about lead paint, mold/mildew and smoke/carbon monoxide detectors that are required by the State of Oregon to present to you. Note that the primary tenants in 2322, are responsible for checking and maintaining batteries in all detectors/sensors in 2322, as well as physically maintaining ventilation to prevent mold, while also doing visual checks and cleaning. We will be doing regular inspections of these things going forward.

  • No pets are permitted upstairs.

  • Late rent payment (after 5pm on the 5th of the month) is increased from $50 to $100 as noted in the lease.

Future changes with proper notice

  • rent increase

  • utility payments (water/sewer)

  • building upgrades: roofing, updates, ventilation upgrades, house painting

About us.

Natalia is an event planner.
Leather is a cannabis chef.

Natalia has lived as a renter at Casa de Main (CdM) for 9 years and now she owns it with Leather, who was born and raised in PDX so he’s always felt like he owns the place.

Thanks for living with us.